Parameter Name | Description | Required |
account | list resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter. | false |
accumulate | Accumulates the VM metrics data instead of returning only the most recent data collected. The default behavior is set by the global configuration vm.stats.increment.metrics. | false |
affinitygroupid | list vms by affinity group | false |
backupofferingid | list by the backup offering | false |
details | comma separated list of host details requested, value can be a list of [all, group, nics, stats, secgrp, tmpl, servoff, diskoff, iso, volume, min, affgrp]. If no parameter is passed in, the details will be defaulted to all | false |
displayvm | list resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this parameter | false |
domainid | list only resources belonging to the domain specified | false |
forvirtualnetwork | list by network type; true if need to list vms using Virtual Network, false otherwise | false |
groupid | the group ID | false |
haenable | list by the High Availability offering; true if filtering VMs with HA enabled; false for VMs with HA disabled | false |
hypervisor | the target hypervisor for the template | false |
id | the ID of the virtual machine | false |
ids | the IDs of the virtual machines, mutually exclusive with id | false |
isoid | list vms by iso | false |
isrecursive | defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves. | false |
keypair | list vms by ssh keypair name | false |
keyword | List by keyword | false |
listall | If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false. Resources dedicated to a project are listed only if using the projectid parameter. | false |
name | name of the virtual machine (a substring match is made against the parameter value, data for all matching VMs will be returned) | false |
networkid | list by network id | false |
page | | false |
pagesize | | false |
projectid | list objects by project; if projectid=-1 lists All VMs | false |
securitygroupid | the security group ID | false |
serviceofferingid | list by the service offering | false |
showicon | flag to display the resource icon for VMs | false |
state | state of the virtual machine. Possible values are: Running, Stopped, Present, Destroyed, Expunged. Present is used for the state equal not destroyed. | false |
tags | List resources by tags (key/value pairs) | false |
templateid | list vms by template | false |
userid | the user ID that created the VM and is under the account that owns the VM | false |
vpcid | list vms by vpc | false |
zoneid | the availability zone ID | false |