Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Retrieves a Cisco Nexus 1000v Virtual Switch Manager device associated with a Cluster

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
clusteridId of the CloudStack cluster in which the Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM appliance.false
keywordList by keywordfalse
zoneidId of the CloudStack cluster in which the Cisco Nexus 1000v VSM appliance.false

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
ipaddressthe management IP address of the external Cisco Nexus 1000v Virtual Supervisor Module
vsmconfigmodeThe mode of the VSM (standalone/HA)
vsmconfigstateThe Config State (Primary/Standby) of the VSM
vsmctrlvlanidcontrol vlan id of the VSM
vsmdeviceiddevice id of the Cisco N1KV VSM device
vsmdevicenamedevice name
vsmdevicestatedevice state
vsmdevicestateThe Device State (Enabled/Disabled) of the VSM
vsmdomainidThe VSM is a switch supervisor. This is the VSM's switch domain id
vsmmgmtvlanidmanagement vlan id of the VSM
vsmpktvlanidpacket vlan id of the VSM
vsmstoragevlanidstorage vlan id of the VSM