Response Name | Description |
allowusercreateprojects | true if regular user is allowed to create projects |
allowuserexpungerecovervm | true if the user can recover and expunge virtualmachines, false otherwise |
allowuserexpungerecovervolume | true if the user can recover and expunge volumes, false otherwise |
allowuserviewalldomainaccounts | true if users can see all accounts within the same domain, false otherwise |
allowuserviewdestroyedvm | true if the user is allowed to view destroyed virtualmachines, false otherwise |
apilimitinterval | time interval (in seconds) to reset api count |
apilimitmax | Max allowed number of api requests within the specified interval |
cloudstackversion | version of the cloud stack |
customdiskofferingmaxsize | maximum size that can be specified when create disk from disk offering with custom size |
customdiskofferingminsize | minimum size that can be specified when create disk from disk offering with custom size |
defaultuipagesize | default page size in the UI for various views, value set in the configurations |
dynamicrolesenabled | true if dynamic role-based api checker is enabled, false otherwise |
kubernetesclusterexperimentalfeaturesenabled | true if experimental features for Kubernetes cluster such as Docker private registry are enabled, false otherwise |
kubernetesserviceenabled | true if Kubernetes Service plugin is enabled, false otherwise |
kvmsnapshotenabled | true if snapshot is supported for KVM host, false otherwise |
projectinviterequired | If invitation confirmation is required when add account to project |
regionsecondaryenabled | true if region wide secondary is enabled, false otherwise |
securitygroupsenabled | true if security groups support is enabled, false otherwise |
supportELB | true if region supports elastic load balancer on basic zones |
userpublictemplateenabled | true if user and domain admins can set templates to be shared, false otherwise |