Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
link a cloudstack account to a group or OU in ldap
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
account | name of the account, it will be created if it does not exist | true |
accounttype | Type of the account to auto import. Specify 0 for user and 2 for domain admin | true |
domainid | The id of the domain that is to contain the linked account. | true |
ldapdomain | name of the group or OU in LDAP | true |
admin | domain admin username in LDAP | false |
type | type of the ldap name. GROUP or OU, defaults to GROUP | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
accountid | Domain Admin accountId that is created |
accounttype | Type of the account to auto import |
domainid | id of the Domain which is linked to LDAP |
ldapdomain | name of the group or OU in LDAP which is linked to the domain |
name | name of the group or OU in LDAP which is linked to the domain |
type | type of the name in LDAP which is linke to the domain |