Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
account | account who will own the VLAN. If VLAN is Zone wide, this parameter should be ommited | false |
domainid | domain ID of the account owning a VLAN | false |
endip | the ending IP address in the VLAN IP range | false |
endipv6 | the ending IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range | false |
forsystemvms | true if IP range is set to system vms, false if not | false |
forvirtualnetwork | true if VLAN is of Virtual type, false if Direct | false |
gateway | the gateway of the VLAN IP range | false |
ip6cidr | the CIDR of IPv6 network, must be at least /64 | false |
ip6gateway | the gateway of the IPv6 network. Required for Shared networks and Isolated networks when it belongs to VPC | false |
netmask | the netmask of the VLAN IP range | false |
networkid | the network id | false |
physicalnetworkid | the physical network id | false |
podid | optional parameter. Have to be specified for Direct Untagged vlan only. | false |
projectid | project who will own the VLAN. If VLAN is Zone wide, this parameter should be ommited | false |
startip | the beginning IP address in the VLAN IP range | false |
startipv6 | the beginning IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range | false |
vlan | the ID or VID of the VLAN. If not specified, will be defaulted to the vlan of the network or if vlan of the network is null - to Untagged | false |
zoneid | the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the ID of the VLAN IP range |
account | the account of the VLAN IP range |
cidr | the cidr of the VLAN IP range |
description | the description of the VLAN IP range |
domain | the domain name of the VLAN IP range |
domainid | the domain ID of the VLAN IP range |
endip | the end ip of the VLAN IP range |
endipv6 | the end ipv6 of the VLAN IP range |
forsystemvms | indicates whether VLAN IP range is dedicated to system vms or not |
forvirtualnetwork | the virtual network for the VLAN IP range |
gateway | the gateway of the VLAN IP range |
ip6cidr | the cidr of IPv6 network |
ip6gateway | the gateway of IPv6 network |
netmask | the netmask of the VLAN IP range |
networkid | the network id of vlan range |
physicalnetworkid | the physical network this belongs to |
podid | the Pod ID for the VLAN IP range |
podname | the Pod name for the VLAN IP range |
project | the project name of the vlan range |
projectid | the project id of the vlan range |
startip | the start ip of the VLAN IP range |
startipv6 | the start ipv6 of the VLAN IP range |
vlan | the ID or VID of the VLAN. |
zoneid | the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range |