Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Creates a Storage network IP range.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
gateway | the gateway for storage network | true |
netmask | the netmask for storage network | true |
podid | UUID of pod where the ip range belongs to | true |
startip | the beginning IP address | true |
endip | the ending IP address | false |
vlan | Optional. The vlan the ip range sits on, default to Null when it is not specificed which means you network is not on any Vlan. This is mainly for Vmware as other hypervisors can directly reterive bridge from pyhsical network traffic type table | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the uuid of storage network IP range. |
endip | the end ip of the storage network IP range |
gateway | the gateway of the storage network IP range |
netmask | the netmask of the storage network IP range |
networkid | the network uuid of storage network IP range |
podid | the Pod uuid for the storage network IP range |
startip | the start ip of the storage network IP range |
vlan | the ID or VID of the VLAN. |
zoneid | the Zone uuid of the storage network IP range |