Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Change disk offering of the volume and also an option to auto migrate if required to apply the new disk offering
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the ID of the volume | true |
diskofferingid | new disk offering id | true |
automigrate | Flag for automatic migration of the volume with new disk offering whenever migration is required to apply the offering | false |
maxiops | New maximum number of IOPS for the custom disk offering | false |
miniops | New minimum number of IOPS for the custom disk offering | false |
shrinkok | Verify OK to Shrink | false |
size | New volume size in GB for the custom disk offering | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | ID of the disk volume |
account | the account associated with the disk volume |
attached | the date the volume was attached to a VM instance |
chaininfo | the chain info of the volume |
clusterid | cluster id of the volume |
clustername | cluster name where the volume is allocated |
created | the date the disk volume was created |
destroyed | the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not |
deviceid | the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached. |
diskBytesReadRate | bytes read rate of the disk volume |
diskBytesWriteRate | bytes write rate of the disk volume |
diskIopsReadRate | IO requests read rate of the disk volume per the disk offering |
diskIopsWriteRate | IO requests write rate of the disk volume per the disk offering |
diskioread | the read (IO) of disk on the vm |
diskiowrite | the write (IO) of disk on the vm |
diskkbsread | the VM's disk read in KiB |
diskkbswrite | the VM's disk write in KiB |
diskofferingdisplaytext | the display text of the disk offering |
diskofferingid | ID of the disk offering |
diskofferingname | name of the disk offering |
displayvolume | an optional field whether to the display the volume to the end user or not. |
domain | the domain associated with the disk volume |
domainid | the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume |
externaluuid | volume uuid that is given by virtualisation provider (only for VMware) |
hypervisor | Hypervisor the volume belongs to |
isextractable | true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise |
isodisplaytext | an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine |
isoid | the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine |
isoname | the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine |
maxiops | max iops of the disk volume |
miniops | min iops of the disk volume |
name | name of the disk volume |
path | the path of the volume |
physicalsize | the bytes allocated |
podid | pod id of the volume |
podname | pod name of the volume |
project | the project name of the vpn |
projectid | the project id of the vpn |
provisioningtype | provisioning type used to create volumes. |
quiescevm | need quiesce vm or not when taking snapshot |
serviceofferingdisplaytext | the display text of the service offering for root disk |
serviceofferingid | ID of the service offering for root disk |
serviceofferingname | name of the service offering for root disk |
size | size of the disk volume |
snapshotid | ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created |
state | the state of the disk volume |
status | the status of the volume |
storage | name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume |
storageid | id of the primary storage hosting the disk volume; returned to admin user only |
storagetype | shared or local storage |
supportsstoragesnapshot | true if storage snapshot is supported for the volume, false otherwise |
templatedisplaytext | an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine |
templateid | the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file. |
templatename | the name of the template for the virtual machine |
type | type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK) |
utilization | the disk utilization |
virtualmachineid | id of the virtual machine |
virtualsize | the bytes actually consumed on disk |
vmdisplayname | display name of the virtual machine |
vmname | name of the virtual machine |
vmstate | state of the virtual machine |
zoneid | ID of the availability zone |
zonename | name of the availability zone |
jobid | the ID of the latest async job acting on this object |
jobstatus | the current status of the latest async job acting on this object |