Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Scales a created, running or stopped Kubernetes cluster
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the ID of the Kubernetes cluster | true |
autoscalingenabled | Whether autoscaling is enabled for the cluster | false |
maxsize | Maximum number of worker nodes in the cluster | false |
minsize | Minimum number of worker nodes in the cluster | false |
nodeids | the IDs of the nodes to be removed | false |
serviceofferingid | the ID of the service offering for the virtual machines in the cluster. | false |
size | number of Kubernetes cluster nodes | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the id of the Kubernetes cluster |
account | the account associated with the Kubernetes cluster |
associatednetworkname | the name of the network of the Kubernetes cluster |
autoscalingenabled | Whether autoscaling is enabled for the cluster |
consoleendpoint | URL end point for the Kubernetes cluster dashboard UI |
controlnodes | the control nodes count for the Kubernetes cluster |
cpunumber | the cpu cores of the Kubernetes cluster |
description | the description of the Kubernetes cluster |
domain | the name of the domain in which the Kubernetes cluster exists |
domainid | the ID of the domain in which the Kubernetes cluster exists |
endpoint | URL end point for the Kubernetes cluster |
ipaddress | Public IP Address of the cluster |
ipaddressid | Public IP Address ID of the cluster |
keypair | keypair details |
kubernetesversionid | the ID of the Kubernetes version for the Kubernetes cluster |
kubernetesversionname | the name of the Kubernetes version for the Kubernetes cluster |
masternodes | the master nodes count for the Kubernetes cluster. This parameter is deprecated, please use 'controlnodes' parameter. |
maxsize | Maximum size of the cluster |
memory | the memory the Kubernetes cluster |
minsize | Minimum size of the cluster |
name | the name of the Kubernetes cluster |
networkid | the ID of the network of the Kubernetes cluster |
project | the project name of the Kubernetes cluster |
projectid | the project id of the Kubernetes cluster |
serviceofferingid | the ID of the service offering of the Kubernetes cluster |
serviceofferingname | the name of the service offering of the Kubernetes cluster |
size | the size (worker nodes count) of the Kubernetes cluster |
state | the state of the Kubernetes cluster |
templateid | the ID of the template of the Kubernetes cluster |
virtualmachines | the list of virtualmachine associated with this Kubernetes cluster |
zoneid | the name of the zone of the Kubernetes cluster |
zonename | the name of the zone of the Kubernetes cluster |