Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


lists all available apis on the server, provided by the Api Discovery plugin

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
nameAPI namefalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
descriptiondescription of the api
isasynctrue if api is asynchronous
namethe name of the api command
relatedcomma separated related apis
sinceversion of CloudStack the api was introduced in
typeresponse field type
params(*)the list params the api accepts
descriptiondescription of the api parameter
lengthlength of the parameter
namethe name of the api parameter
relatedcomma separated related apis to get the parameter
requiredtrue if this parameter is required for the api request
sinceversion of CloudStack the api was introduced in
typeparameter type
response(*)api response fields
descriptiondescription of the api response field
namethe name of the api response field
responseapi response fields
typeresponse field type