Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Update a supported Kubernetes version

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idthe ID of the Kubernetes supported versiontrue
statethe enabled or disabled state of the Kubernetes supported versiontrue

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe id of the Kubernetes supported version
isoidthe id of the binaries ISO for Kubernetes supported version
isonamethe name of the binaries ISO for Kubernetes supported version
isostatethe state of the binaries ISO for Kubernetes supported version
mincpunumberthe minimum number of CPUs needed for the Kubernetes supported version
minmemorythe minimum RAM size in MB needed for the Kubernetes supported version
nameName of the Kubernetes supported version
semanticversionKubernetes semantic version
statethe enabled or disabled state of the Kubernetes supported version
supportshawhether Kubernetes supported version supports HA, multi-master
zoneidthe id of the zone in which Kubernetes supported version is available
zonenamethe name of the zone in which Kubernetes supported version is available