Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Issues a client certificate using configured or provided CA plugin
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
csr | The certificate signing request (in pem format), if CSR is not provided then configured/provided options are considered | false |
domain | Comma separated list of domains, the certificate should be issued for. When csr is not provided, the first domain is used as a subject/CN | false |
duration | Certificate validity duration in number of days, when not provided the default configured value will be used | false |
ipaddress | Comma separated list of IP addresses, the certificate should be issued for | false |
provider | Name of the CA service provider, otherwise the default configured provider plugin will be used | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
cacertificates | The CA certificate(s) |
certificate | The client certificate |
privatekey | Private key for the certificate |