Response Name | Description |
id | the user ID |
account | the account name of the user |
accountid | the account ID of the user |
accounttype | the account type of the user |
apikey | the api key of the user |
created | the date and time the user account was created |
domain | the domain name of the user |
domainid | the domain ID of the user |
email | the user email address |
firstname | the user firstname |
iscallerchilddomain | the boolean value representing if the updating target is in caller's child domain |
isdefault | true if user is default, false otherwise |
lastname | the user lastname |
roleid | the ID of the role |
rolename | the name of the role |
roletype | the type of the role |
secretkey | the secret key of the user |
state | the user state |
timezone | the timezone user was created in |
username | the user name |
usersource | the source type of the user in lowercase, such as native, ldap, saml2 |