Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Configures a host's out-of-band management interface

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
addressthe host management interface IP addresstrue
driverthe host management interface driver, for example: ipmitooltrue
hostidthe ID of the hosttrue
passwordthe host management interface passwordtrue
portthe host management interface porttrue
usernamethe host management interface usertrue

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
actionthe out-of-band management action (if issued)
addressthe out-of-band management interface address
descriptionthe operation result description
driverthe out-of-band management driver for the host
enabledtrue if out-of-band management is enabled for the host
hostidthe ID of the host
passwordthe out-of-band management interface password
portthe out-of-band management interface port
powerstatethe out-of-band management interface powerState of the host
statusthe operation result
usernamethe out-of-band management interface username