Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Creates an affinity/anti-affinity group

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
namename of the affinity grouptrue
typeType of the affinity group from the available affinity/anti-affinity group typestrue
accountan account for the affinity group. Must be used with domainId.false
descriptionoptional description of the affinity groupfalse
domainiddomainId of the account owning the affinity groupfalse
projectidcreate affinity group for projectfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the affinity group
accountthe account owning the affinity group
descriptionthe description of the affinity group
domainthe domain name of the affinity group
domainidthe domain ID of the affinity group
namethe name of the affinity group
projectthe project name of the affinity group
projectidthe project ID of the affinity group
typethe type of the affinity group
virtualmachineIdsvirtual machine IDs associated with this affinity group