Apache CloudStack v4.11.0 Root Admin API Reference


list the vm nics IP to NIC

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
virtualmachineidthe ID of the vmtrue
fordisplaylist resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this parameterfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
networkidlist nic of the specific vm's networkfalse
nicidthe ID of the nic to to list IPsfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the nic
broadcasturithe broadcast uri of the nic
deviceiddevice id for the network when plugged into the virtual machine
extradhcpoptionthe extra dhcp options on the nic
gatewaythe gateway of the nic
ip6addressthe IPv6 address of network
ip6cidrthe cidr of IPv6 network
ip6gatewaythe gateway of IPv6 network
ipaddressthe ip address of the nic
isdefaulttrue if nic is default, false otherwise
isolationurithe isolation uri of the nic
macaddresstrue if nic is default, false otherwise
netmaskthe netmask of the nic
networkidthe ID of the corresponding network
networknamethe name of the corresponding network
nsxlogicalswitchId of the NSX Logical Switch (if NSX based), null otherwise
nsxlogicalswitchportId of the NSX Logical Switch Port (if NSX based), null otherwise
secondaryipthe Secondary ipv4 addr of nic
traffictypethe traffic type of the nic
typethe type of the nic
virtualmachineidId of the vm to which the nic belongs