Response Name | Description |
id | the cluster ID |
allocationstate | the allocation state of the cluster |
clustertype | the type of the cluster |
cpuovercommitratio | The cpu overcommit ratio of the cluster |
hypervisortype | the hypervisor type of the cluster |
managedstate | whether this cluster is managed by cloudstack |
memoryovercommitratio | The memory overcommit ratio of the cluster |
name | the cluster name |
ovm3vip | Ovm3 VIP to use for pooling and/or clustering |
podid | the Pod ID of the cluster |
podname | the Pod name of the cluster |
resourcedetails | Meta data associated with the zone (key/value pairs) |
zoneid | the Zone ID of the cluster |
zonename | the Zone name of the cluster |
capacity(*) | the capacity of the Cluster |
capacitytotal | the total capacity available |
capacityused | the capacity currently in use |
clusterid | the Cluster ID |
clustername | the Cluster name |
percentused | the percentage of capacity currently in use |
podid | the Pod ID |
podname | the Pod name |
type | the capacity type |
zoneid | the Zone ID |
zonename | the Zone name |