Response Name | Description |
account | the user account name |
accountid | the user account Id |
description | description of the usage record |
domain | the domain the resource is associated with |
domainid | the domain ID |
enddate | end date of the usage record |
isdefault | True if the resource is default |
issourcenat | True if the IPAddress is source NAT |
issystem | True if the IPAddress is system IP - allocated during vm deploy or lb rule create |
name | virtual machine name |
networkid | id of the network |
offeringid | offering ID |
project | the project name of the resource |
projectid | the project id of the resource |
rawusage | raw usage in hours |
size | resource size |
startdate | start date of the usage record |
templateid | template ID |
type | resource type |
usage | usage in hours |
usageid | id of the resource |
usagetype | usage type ID |
virtualmachineid | virtual machine ID |
zoneid | the zone ID |