Apache CloudStack v4.1.0 Root Admin API Reference
Upgrades domain router to a new service offering
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | The ID of the router | true |
serviceofferingid | the service offering ID to apply to the domain router | true |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the id of the router |
account | the account associated with the router |
created | the date and time the router was created |
dns1 | the first DNS for the router |
dns2 | the second DNS for the router |
domain | the domain associated with the router |
domainid | the domain ID associated with the router |
gateway | the gateway for the router |
guestipaddress | the guest IP address for the router |
guestmacaddress | the guest MAC address for the router |
guestnetmask | the guest netmask for the router |
guestnetworkid | the ID of the corresponding guest network |
hostid | the host ID for the router |
hostname | the hostname for the router |
ip6dns1 | the first IPv6 DNS for the router |
ip6dns2 | the second IPv6 DNS for the router |
isredundantrouter | if this router is an redundant virtual router |
linklocalip | the link local IP address for the router |
linklocalmacaddress | the link local MAC address for the router |
linklocalnetmask | the link local netmask for the router |
linklocalnetworkid | the ID of the corresponding link local network |
name | the name of the router |
networkdomain | the network domain for the router |
podid | the Pod ID for the router |
project | the project name of the address |
projectid | the project id of the ipaddress |
publicip | the public IP address for the router |
publicmacaddress | the public MAC address for the router |
publicnetmask | the public netmask for the router |
publicnetworkid | the ID of the corresponding public network |
redundantstate | the state of redundant virtual router |
scriptsversion | the version of scripts |
serviceofferingid | the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine |
serviceofferingname | the name of the service offering of the virtual machine |
state | the state of the router |
templateid | the template ID for the router |
templateversion | the version of template |
vpcid | VPC the network belongs to |
zoneid | the Zone ID for the router |
zonename | the Zone name for the router |
nic(*) | the list of nics associated with the router |
id | the ID of the nic |
broadcasturi | the broadcast uri of the nic |
gateway | the gateway of the nic |
ip6address | the IPv6 address of network |
ip6cidr | the cidr of IPv6 network |
ip6gateway | the gateway of IPv6 network |
ipaddress | the ip address of the nic |
isdefault | true if nic is default, false otherwise |
isolationuri | the isolation uri of the nic |
macaddress | true if nic is default, false otherwise |
netmask | the netmask of the nic |
networkid | the ID of the corresponding network |
networkname | the name of the corresponding network |
traffictype | the traffic type of the nic |
type | the type of the nic |