Apache CloudStack 4.0.0-incubating User API Reference


Creates a network

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
displaytextthe display text of the networktrue
namethe name of the networktrue
networkofferingidthe network offering idtrue
zoneidthe Zone ID for the networktrue
accountaccount who will own the networkfalse
acltypeAccess control type; supported values are account and domain. In 3.0 all shared networks should have aclType=Domain, and all Isolated networks - Account. Account means that only the account owner can use the network, domain - all accouns in the domain can use the networkfalse
domainiddomain ID of the account owning a networkfalse
endipthe ending IP address in the network IP range. If not specified, will be defaulted to startIPfalse
gatewaythe gateway of the network. Required for Shared networks and Isolated networks when it belongs to VPCfalse
netmaskthe netmask of the network. Required for Shared networks and Isolated networks when it belongs to VPCfalse
networkdomainnetwork domainfalse
physicalnetworkidthe Physical Network ID the network belongs tofalse
projectidan optional project for the ssh keyfalse
startipthe beginning IP address in the network IP rangefalse
subdomainaccessDefines whether to allow subdomains to use networks dedicated to their parent domain(s). Should be used with aclType=Domain, defaulted to allow.subdomain.network.access global config if not specifiedfalse
vlanthe ID or VID of the networkfalse
vpcidthe VPC network belongs tofalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe id of the network
accountthe owner of the network
acltypeacl type - access type to the network
broadcastdomaintypeBroadcast domain type of the network
broadcasturibroadcast uri of the network
canusefordeploylist networks available for vm deployment
cidrthe cidr the network
displaytextthe displaytext of the network
dns1the first DNS for the network
dns2the second DNS for the network
domainthe domain name of the network owner
domainidthe domain id of the network owner
gatewaythe network's gateway
isdefaulttrue if network is default, false otherwise
issystemtrue if network is system, false otherwise
namethe name of the network
netmaskthe network's netmask
networkdomainthe network domain
networkofferingavailabilityavailability of the network offering the network is created from
networkofferingdisplaytextdisplay text of the network offering the network is created from
networkofferingidnetwork offering id the network is created from
networkofferingnamename of the network offering the network is created from
physicalnetworkidthe physical network id
projectthe project name of the address
projectidthe project id of the ipaddress
relatedrelated to what other network configuration
restartrequiredtrue network requires restart
specifyiprangestrue if network supports specifying ip ranges, false otherwise
statestate of the network
subdomainaccesstrue if users from subdomains can access the domain level network
traffictypethe traffic type of the network
typethe type of the network
vlanthe vlan of the network
vpcidVPC the network belongs to
zoneidzone id of the network
zonenamethe name of the zone the network belongs to
service(*)the list of services
namethe service name
providerthe service provider name
capability(*)the list of capabilities
canchooseservicecapabilitycan this service capability value can be choosable while creatine network offerings
namethe capability name
valuethe capability value
tags(*)the list of resource tags associated with network
accountthe account associated with the tag
customercustomer associated with the tag
domainthe domain associated with the tag
domainidthe ID of the domain associated with the tag
keytag key name
projectthe project name where tag belongs to
projectidthe project id the tag belongs to
resourceidid of the resource
resourcetyperesource type
valuetag value