Apache CloudStack 4.0.0-incubating Root Admin API Reference


Adds a new cluster

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
clusternamethe cluster nametrue
clustertypetype of the cluster: CloudManaged, ExternalManagedtrue
hypervisorhypervisor type of the cluster: XenServer,KVM,VMware,Hyperv,BareMetal,Simulatortrue
podidthe Pod ID for the hosttrue
zoneidthe Zone ID for the clustertrue
allocationstateAllocation state of this cluster for allocation of new resourcesfalse
passwordthe password for the hostfalse
urlthe URLfalse
usernamethe username for the clusterfalse
vsmipaddressthe ipaddress of the VSM associated with this clusterfalse
vsmpasswordthe password for the VSM associated with this clusterfalse
vsmusernamethe username for the VSM associated with this clusterfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe cluster ID
allocationstatethe allocation state of the cluster
clustertypethe type of the cluster
hypervisortypethe hypervisor type of the cluster
managedstatewhether this cluster is managed by cloudstack
namethe cluster name
podidthe Pod ID of the cluster
podnamethe Pod name of the cluster
zoneidthe Zone ID of the cluster
zonenamethe Zone name of the cluster
capacity(*)the capacity of the Cluster
capacitytotalthe total capacity available
capacityusedthe capacity currently in use
clusteridthe Cluster ID
clusternamethe Cluster name
percentusedthe percentage of capacity currently in use
podidthe Pod ID
podnamethe Pod name
typethe capacity type
zoneidthe Zone ID
zonenamethe Zone name