Apache CloudStack v4.11.0 Root Admin API Reference


Creates a Management network IP range.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
gatewayThe gateway for the management network.true
netmaskThe netmask for the management network.true
podidUUID of POD, where the IP range belongs to.true
startipThe starting IP address.true
endipThe ending IP address.false
forsystemvmsSpecify if range is dedicated for CPVM and SSVM.false
vlanOptional. The vlan id the ip range sits on, default to Null when it is not specificed which means you network is not on any Vlanfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the Pod
allocationstatethe allocation state of the Pod
endipthe ending IP for the Pod
forsystemvmsindicates if range is dedicated for CPVM and SSVM
gatewaythe gateway of the Pod
namethe name of the Pod
netmaskthe netmask of the Pod
startipthe starting IP for the Pod
vlanidindicates Vlan ID for the range
zoneidthe Zone ID of the Pod
zonenamethe Zone name of the Pod
capacity(*)the capacity of the Pod
capacityallocatedthe capacity currently in allocated
capacitytotalthe total capacity available
capacityusedthe capacity currently in use
clusteridthe Cluster ID
clusternamethe Cluster name
namethe capacity name
percentusedthe percentage of capacity currently in use
podidthe Pod ID
podnamethe Pod name
typethe capacity type
zoneidthe Zone ID
zonenamethe Zone name