Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Creates a physical network

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
namethe name of the physical networktrue
zoneidthe Zone ID for the physical networktrue
broadcastdomainrangethe broadcast domain range for the physical network[Pod or Zone]. In Acton release it can be Zone only in Advance zone, and Pod in Basicfalse
domainiddomain ID of the account owning a physical networkfalse
isolationmethodsthe isolation method for the physical network[VLAN/L3/GRE]false
networkspeedthe speed for the physical network[1G/10G]false
tagsTag the physical networkfalse
vlanthe VLAN for the physical networkfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe uuid of the physical network
broadcastdomainrangeBroadcast domain range of the physical network
domainidthe domain id of the physical network owner
isolationmethodsisolation methods
namename of the physical network
networkspeedthe speed of the physical network
statestate of the physical network
tagscomma separated tag
vlanthe vlan of the physical network
zoneidzone id of the physical network
zonenamezone name of the physical network